La Carnada follows a 13 year old boy from Tijuana (Manny) as he embarks on his first drug smuggle across the "Devil's Highway," a notoriously fatal stretch of desert on the Arizona/Mexico border.
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Virgins 4 Lyfe
It’s the last night of Astrid's (14) and Issi's (14) holiday by the beach. The mission is clear, especially for Issi: to find a guy and hopefully loose her virginity before the holidays are over. This is their last chance. During the evening they meet Samuel and Rashid, who take the girls to a ba...
Malaria is a short film that depicts the downfall of an ordinary hard-working citizen, who loses his job, is bitten by a mosquito and descends into a fever and sickness. While being ignored by those that surround him and finding himself in the darkest of places, this citizen's journey ultimately ...